Remembering a priest who protected Jewish people in Berlin

Eitel-Friedrich von Rabenau was a priest during the Nazi era in the church I attend in Berlin, the Apostel-Paulus Kirche. With a colleague, Dr Stefanie Sippel, I organised an event in May 2022 to remember his contribution to protecting Jewish people in the local community between 1939-45. The event was part of the Denk Mal am Ort initiative to remember those in Germany persecuted by the Nazis, and those who sought to help them. A feature on the event (in German) is here (pages 36-38, with pictures)

Nave gazing in Berlin

Feature in the Church Times on the use by a prominent German gallerist of a remarkable former church in Berlin as an exhibition space

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The Ex-Tenant

Ludwig Katzenellenbogen is a 92 year old Jewish man who lives in Israel and returned in May 2018 for the first time to the Berlin apartment where he had lived until 1939, when he fled the Nazis, aged 12, with his parents.

That was my apartment. This is the story of his return.

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